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Picture Wall - 599 pics
Est-il vrai que l’avion n’est responsable que de 3% des émissions mondiales de CO2, soit moins que le numérique ? –
France | MapChart
Abc-Map - La carte !
Adding ALT text to article thumbnails on social media | Stefan Bohacek
How to Build a Low-tech Website? | LOW←TECH MAGAZINE
Amnezia - Self-hosted VPN
GitHub - HeyPuter/puter: 🌐 The Internet OS! Free, Open-Source, and Self-Hostable.
Open-Source Session Replay & Analytics
Silex: Free Website Builder, Libre Software, Open-Source No-Code
Migration to LibreOffice and ODF for 30,000 clients in government of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - PeerTube Luxembourg
Ces territoires qui font le choix du logiciel libre
L’Équation du Temps - Couleur-Science
MERCI - Association CAMELEON
Iconify - home of open source icons
Arch Linux Post-Installation Essential Steps
Logiciel Anti-spam, Anti-virus & Anti-Phishing | Altospam
Sniffnet — comfortably monitor your Internet traffic 🕵️♂️
JdLL - PeerTube TeDomum
Free, open-source Captcha alternative | ALTCHA
Concevons des services publics numériques accessibles, inclusifs et humains. - DesignGouv
Is My Phone Listening To Me? | Digital Rights Bytes
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Votre smartphone vous écoute-t-il vraiment ?
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Installer Windows 11 24H2 sans compte Microsoft
Comment installer Windows 11 sans bloatwares ?
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Comment signaler un mail de phishing ou d’hameçonnage ? - Assistance aux victimes de cybermalveillance
Google, l'espion le plus con du monde | Grise Bouille
FranceConnect+ ou GafamConnect+ ? | Grise Bouille
Mon nouveau gestionnaire de fenêtres
ARA : Simplifiez vos tests d'accessibilités RGAA !
Protéger ses données sensibles des Google Dorks
GTFOBins : Evitez les erreurs de configuration dangereuses sous Linux
Lume, the static site generator for Deno - Lume
How to Install Fedora 41 with Full Disk Encryption, Snapshot, and Rollback Support
Script Bash – Comment créer et manipuler un tableau ?
He He 😆 Running Windows on Raspberry Pi ... Because Why Not?
Mac : raccourcis clavier - Assistance Apple (FR)
Git : How to smudge and clean ? -
Raspberry Pi Internet Speed Monitor - Pi My Life Up
Comprendre et Gérer les Volumes Docker : Types et Bonnes Pratiques
Creating a 3D Hand Controller Using a Webcam with MediaPipe and Three.js
Domain Digger: DNS, WHOIS lookup & more
Master 6 Powerful JavaScript Functions! 💻 - DEV Community
Linux Display Managers (LightDM, SLiM, XDM, GDM, SDDM, KDM, Ly): Install and Uninstall Guide | Baeldung on Linux – Shelly Europe | Easy Smart Home Automation
Programme de sensibilisation aux risques numériques dans les collectivités territoriales - Assistance aux victimes de cybermalveillance
Create Fun Word Cloud Images Easily in Linux Terminal
GitHub - qarmin/czkawka: Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
Quill - Your powerful rich text editor
Messagerie : SPF, DKIM et DMARC pour les débutants
Liste d'outils gratuits en ligne pour tester ses emails
Removing unused CSS from a website
J'apprends à hacker - A partir de 9 ans - 30 défis pour découvrir la cybersécurité et déjouer le piratage - Livre Mathématiques, algorithmique et programmation de Sara Sellos - Dunod
Uiverse | The Largest Library of Open-Source UI elements
Gitting Things Done – A Visual and Practical Guide to Git [Full Book]
Marché de support interministériel / Etudes de veille · GitLab
Les 4 libertés du logiciel libre - Numérique Éducatif
Artifact Hub
Create RSS feeds from almost any website
BunkerWeb | Open source and next generation Web Application Firewall
16 IP Command Examples in Linux
Appsmith | Open-Source Internal Tool Builder
Proverbes wolof - Au Sénégal, le cœur du Sénégal
What is a Makefile and how does it work? |
Un modèle pour démarrer un script shell - Blog de Simon Vieille
iptv-org/iptv: Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world - Self-hosted content and software
DummyJSON - Fake REST API of JSON data for development
Contre des lendemains qui pleurent
A short primer on SPF, DKIM and DMARC – Rob Allen
grocy/grocy: ERP beyond your fridge - Grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home
TomBursch/kitchenowl: KitchenOwl is a self-hosted grocery list and recipe manager. The backend is made with Flask and the frontend with Flutter. Easily add items to your shopping list before you go shopping. You can also create recipes and add items based on what you want to cook.
futurecoder: learn python from scratch
Bash avancé: barre de progression
Bash avancé: Gérer les messages de sortie de vos scripts
Annyo - le mouton à 5 pattes : PagePrincipale
Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio 📻
An Interactive Guide to CSS Grid
🛡️ Securing Your JavaScript: Best Practices for Security and Privacy - DEV Community
rEFInd: A Modern and Customizable Boot Manager for Linux
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2024 Cheat Sheet Collection - DEV Community
HTML Tags You Might Not Know About - DEV Community
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Webstudio: Open Source Webflow Alternative
Execute a Command Whenever File or Directory Changes | Baeldung on Linux
Yt-dlp Commands: The Complete Tutorial For Beginners (2024) - OSTechNix
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Les systèmes de communication, une histoire diverse et ingénieuse | Gauthier Roussilhe
Optimiser les images (à la main) de manière un peu trop hardcore – l3m website
Bluefin | The Next Generation Linux Workstation
50 Best Websites for Free HTML Templates - DEV Community
How To List and Delete Iptables Firewall Rules | DigitalOcean
Apprendre à utiliser Git et GitHub | Cours Complet (2020) - Pierre Giraud
Echo - RSS Cross Poster
The Modern Guide For Making CSS Shapes — Smashing Magazine
Using Fetch API For Executing GraphQL Queries And Mutations - DEV Community
Mettre en place un serveur de mail avec OpenSMTPD, Dovecot et Rspamd ·
How to Host V3 .Onion Website With Custom Domain on Linux
France : une jeunesse décadente ?
Typelevel Typescript: A cheat sheet - DEV Community
The guide to kubectl I never had. - DEV Community
Ryan Mulligan
Dokploy - Effortless Deployment Solutions
Kids — Un Internet sans risque pour les enfants —
Ente - Private cloud for your photos, videos and more
Home • Excel-Translator
Free for Developers
Bazzite – The next generation of Linux Gaming
Facebook snooped on users' Snapchat traffic in secret project, documents reveal | TechCrunch
Modern CSS Solutions
SensCyber: Apprendre et tester vos connaissances - Assistance aux victimes de cybermalveillance
Médiation et inclusion numérique - Assistance aux victimes de cybermalveillance
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Learn React – A Handbook for Beginners
Lectures : petite écologie de l’éducation et de l’informatique
Guide pratique du Dark Web - Martouf le Synthéticien
Making the most of your Shells History on Linux and macOS – Abstract Expression
You don't need JavaScript for that - HTMHell
Switch by Galahhad made with CSS |
How To Center a Div
JavaScript in the Browser – How the Document Object Model (DOM) and Events Work
Internet en 7 protocoles pour les nulls | Pragmatic Nerdz | Wutsi
Hugging Face – The AI community building the future.
The Valley of Code
Portsentry : Sécurisez Linux contre les tentatives d'intrusion : Analyse d'une arnaque par SMS
Shodan ☠️ : Le moteur de recherche 100% Cybersécurité
Animer un bouton burger simple avec SVG et CSS - Alsacreations
How to Use Cron on Linux: Tips, Tricks, and Examples
Iconify Icon Web Component
Personnaliser les boutons radio et checkbox avec CSS - Web Formation
Faire une feuille de style CSS print pour l'impression - Alsacreations
CSS Design: Going to Print – A List Apart
KDE Invent ⋅ Explorer les groupes · GitLab
The Backend to Build Anything or Everything | Directus
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Examples and Downloads | H5P
Pensez cybersécurité
goabstract/Awesome-Design-Tools: The best design tools and plugins for everything 👉
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PimEyes: Face Recognition Search Engine and Reverse Image Search
Administrer des services | Stéphane ROBERT
How to Reset a Forgotten Root Password in Linux
7 types de base de données | Pragmatic Nerdz | Wutsi
D'un livre À l''autre
Which License to Use for Open Source Projects?
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Vim - Convert text to lowercase or uppercase (Example)
Guide simplifié des Twelve-Factor-Apps. | Pragmatic Nerdz | Wutsi
Microsoft PowerToys | Microsoft Learn
Comment se connecter en tant qu'administrateur dans Windows 10
CSS Almanac | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
GitHub - builtbybel/BloatyNosy: Experience Windows 11 in your way!
Graphique: Comment les géants de la tech gagnent-ils leurs milliards ? | Statista
Comptoir du libre
CSS Loaders Series' Articles - DEV Community
Welcome | FreeMediaHeckYeah
Complete Guide to Authentication in JavaScript - Honeybadger Developer Blog
offa/android-foss: A list of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Android – saving Freedom and Privacy.
Frontend Mentor | Front-end coding challenges using a real-life workflow
How to Keep SSH Session Alive
DustyTrails Series' Articles - DEV Community
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Comment utiliser FFmpeg (vidéo et audio) ? – Le Crabe Info
Optimiser le chargement des icones | Julien Pradet
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The Surprising Things That CSS Can Animate / Coder's Block
DevTools Tips
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The best tools for web development | Web Code Tools
Coloriage - Stimulez la créativité des enfants!
La Bibliothèque vigilante - Boîte à outils d'autodéfense intellectuelle
Scripts Shell - Linux Administration
Plane - The open source project management tool
Capacitor by Ionic - Cross-platform apps with web technology
Bash Basics Series #5: Using Arrays in Bash
IT Tools - Handy online tools for developers
Vishing : Tout savoir sur l'Escroquerie téléphonique
À propos du site solaire | LOW←TECH MAGAZINE
How to Upgrade to Debian 12 from Debian 11
What is CORS? - DEV Community
Future of CSS Series' Articles - DEV Community
How to Install Software from Source Code… and Remove it Afterwards
Check if a Website is Malicious/Scam or Safe/Legit | URLVoid
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Privacy Guides
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Derrière nos écrans de fumée 2020 (The Social Dilemma) - PeerTube de Monlycé
Table Design Patterns On The Web — Smashing Magazine
La Fresque du Numérique - Atelier de sensibilisation aux problèmes environnementaux du numérique
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LoL – Logiciel libre, une affaire sérieuse - Ploud Video France
Un relai SMTP postfix avec TLS, SASL, DKIM, DMARC & SPF | Net-Security
Using CSS to Control Text Selection / Coder's Block
Underscores | A Starter Theme for WordPress
Limites Numériques #6 - by Aurélien Tabard and le trouviste
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Générer un nom aléatoire - Fake Name Generator
Raspberry Pi Documentation - Computers
Gallery – charlesbrooksphotography
Super Useful CSS Resources 🌈 - DEV Community
VToonify - a Hugging Face Space by PKUWilliamYang
Modèles et guides - Parce que l’écriture numérique requiert des connaissances.
How to Convert a MacOS Installer to ISO
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Linux Hardware Database
CrowdSec - The open-source & collaborative IPS
Mettre à jour un serveur Linux déconnecté d'Internet
How to create scheduled tasks with Command Prompt on Windows 10 | Windows Central
Optimal Images in HTML - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
21 Basic Linux Networking Commands You Should Know
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A Theory of Web Relativity - HTMHell
Do you know color-scheme? - HTMHell
Mini-guide to add an image - HTMHell
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How to preserve tabs in Vim when you paste something? - Super User
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Outils pédagogiques – PortailEduc
My current HTML boilerplate - Manuel Matuzović
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Guide d'installation d'Ubuntu dans une partition Btrfs chiffrée - FLOZz' Blog
Merge Cube – PortailEduc
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JavaScript: Tips and Tricks - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
HTML Tips and Tricks You Will Love To Know 💖✨ ️ ️ - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
5 Amazing React Component Libraries to Consider for your Next Project - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Writing Logic in CSS - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
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How To Host Multiple Websites Securely With Nginx And Php-fpm On Ubuntu 14.04 | DigitalOcean
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15 tableaux de bord pour visualiser les cyberattaques à travers le monde.
Guide de survie pour l’utilisation de la commande SED | Commandes et Système | IT-Connect
Assistance aux victimes de cybermalveillance
Vente et collecte de livres d'occasion - RecycLivre
Gestionnaire conforme de cookies | tarteaucitron.js
Common Nginx misconfigurations that leave your web server open to attack | Detectify Blog
Docker 101: guide de démarrage rapide | by Devpulsion | Feb, 2021 | Medium
React Hooks Cheat Sheet: The 7 Hooks You Need To Know
Iconduck - Free open source icons, illustrations and graphics
Comment formater ou effacer correctement un SSD – Korben
20 outils webs indispensables pour développeurs - Je suis un dev
RaspiSMS 3.0, un logiciel libre pour envoyer des SMS par internet !
Radio Garden – Explore live radio by rotating the globe
Node-Red : La solution domotique du geek | Geeek
LibreTranslate - Free and Open Source Machine Translation API
Un lien vers les serveurs Microsoft dans Raspberry Pi OS ! - Framboise 314, le Raspberry Pi à la sauce française....
La fracture numérique n'épargne pas les jeunes
Le logiciel libre, un atout pour la relance | Les Echos
Vim jobs = ❤️
Applications de messageries open-sources, décentralisés et anonymes | by Renaud H. | OffChainNews | Medium
Dr Trollotnik 🦔: "Les vieilles affiches disent parfois plus que les…" - Maly
#SaferInternetDay : six outils pour protéger les enfants sur Internet
Empreinte numérique : une question d'entropie
Linux et la sécurité, tel un désert et un oasis ?
Tania Rascia
Les itérateurs et générateurs en Javascript - Code Heroes
Créer un NAS avec votre Raspberry Pi et Samba.
Protégez votre presse papier des insertions JavaScript malicieuses – Korben
Fiat Tux / Hat softwares / Nexi · GitLab
Le RGPD expliqué ligne par ligne (articles 1 à 23)
Facebook et WhatsApp, où l'art de vous trahir | Pixel de tracking
Penpot - Design Freedom for Teams
Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend | Tauri Studio
unDraw - Open source illustrations for any idea
enaqx/awesome-react: A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem
Facebook les chiffres essentiels en 2020 en France et dans le Monde
Devhints — TL;DR for developer documentation
How Nextcloud is the ultimate open source productivity suite |
Chapril - Services libres
PM2 - Home
TestDisk - CGSecurity
Alain MICHEL 🤓 : "Si vous ne connaissez pas encore, il est temps de…" - La Quadrature du Net - Mastodon - Media Fédéré
Cover Your Tracks
YOURLS: Your Own URL Shortener
A CheatSheet of 128 CheatSheets for Developers - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
How to Install Matomo (Piwik) on RHEL 8 Linux -
Front-end Web Development, Chewed Up ←
The 9 Best Coding Games Online for Adults to Learn How to Code
Designers Take: Free Vector Resources for Devs - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Drewsif/PiShrink: Make your pi images smaller!
Newsletters spam test by
GoLinuxCloud | Inspiring Minds
Parted Commands to Manage Disk Partition (Create and Resize)
Falcor: What is Falcor
How to Compress PDF in Linux [GUI & Terminal]
vi-vim-cheat-sheet.gif (Image GIF, 1024 × 724 pixels)
Aristide Benoist — Freelance Developer
public-apis/public-apis: A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.
Introducing another free CA as an alternative to Let's Encrypt
autohébergement avec le cloud computing
GitHub - edent/SuperTinyIcons: Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos
Minimal CSS Frameworks — dailydevlinks
The Complete CSS Grid Tutorial
UX Timeline, back to the past!
Public APIs — A Directory of Free Public & Open Rest APIs
Animated CSS Background Generator |
Convert2Svg - A Simple Image To SVG Vector Converter | News, Resources and Articles about Web-Development
All – Tiny Helpers
Simple Icons TradeMarks
Tabler Icons - 800+ Highly customizable free SVG icons
ONLYOFFICE - applications bureautiques en ligne pour tous | ONLYOFFICE
A Complete Beginner's Guide to React Router (Including Router Hooks)
Système d'exploitation 100% GNU basé sur Debian - svpro_gnu
Strapi - Open source Node.js Headless CMS 🚀
The Deno Handbook: A TypeScript Runtime Tutorial with Code Examples
Shell-ing With TypeScript
deno doc
Online regex tester and debugger: PHP, PCRE, Python, Golang and JavaScript
What are apt-get Command Options in Linux a Guide for Beginners
Profiler son application nodeJS analyse de la mémoire
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
The Essential Meta Tags for Social Media | CSS-Tricks
The Open Graph protocol
Building your own Raspberry Pi Google Assistant - Pi My Life Up
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Cayenne - Pi My Life Up
Pi My Life Up - 101+ DIY Raspberry Pi Projects & Guides
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