Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

December 5, 2024


Draw.Audio is a free musical sketch-pad and sound synthesis exploration tool.

Music and artwork created with Draw.Audio are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

For questions or feedback, email randy@draw.audio.

Design by Sheer Havoc.

MERCI - Association CAMELEON

Publication de photos d’enfants sur les réseaux sociaux : Une nouvelle campagne de CAMELEON Association soulignant les risques.

They see your photos

Your photos reveal a lot of private information.

In this experiment, we use Google Vision API to extract the story behind a single photo.


Découvrez ce que vos tweets révèlent sur vous (attention l'IA est méchante)

L’Équation du Temps - Couleur-Science

Le temps est quelque chose de mystérieux, presque indéfinissable. Pourtant, parmi tout ce que l’on peut trouver en sciences, on a un outil qui se nomme l’Équation du Temps.

Alors non, il ne s’agit pas une équation qui donnerait l’heure absolue de l’univers, où je ne sais quoi de mystique, mais cela n’enlève rien au fait qu’il y a des choses très intéressantes à dire dessus.

How Google Spent 15 Years Creating a Culture of Concealment

How Google Spent 15 Years Concealing Its Internal Conversations - The New York Times - Liens en vrac de sebsauvage

Trying to avoid antitrust suits, Google systematically told employees to destroy messages, avoid certain words and copy the lawyers as often as possible.

An illustration showing two green text bubbles, without any text, superimposed on each other. A white square is at the top of the lower green square with the word “delete.”

Credit...Ben Wiseman

David Streitfeld

By David Streitfeld

David Streitfeld has written about Google since it was a start-up.

Published Nov. 20, 2024Updated Nov. 21, 2024

In late 2008, as Google faced antitrust scrutiny over an advertising deal with its rival Yahoo and confronted lawsuits involving patent, trademark and copyright claims, its executives sent out a confidential memo.

“We believe that information is good,” the executives told employees in the memo. But, they added, government regulators or competitors might seize on words that Google workers casually, thoughtlessly wrote to one another.

To minimize the odds that a lawsuit could flush out comments that might be incriminating, Google said, employees should refrain from speculation and sarcasm and “think twice” before writing one another about “hot topics.” “Don’t comment before you have all the facts,” they were instructed.

The technology was tweaked, too. The setting for the company’s instant messaging tool was changed to “off the record.” An incautious phrase would be wiped the next day.

The memo became the first salvo in a 15-year campaign by Google to make deletion the default in its internal communications. Even as the internet giant stored the world’s information, it created an office culture that tried to minimize its own. Among its tools: using legal privilege as an all-purpose shield and imposing restraints on its own technology, all while continually warning that loose lips could sink even the most successful corporation.

How Google developed this distrustful culture was pieced together from hundreds of documents and exhibits, as well as witness testimony, in three antitrust trials against the Silicon Valley company over the last year. The plaintiffs — Epic Games in one case, the Department of Justice in the other two — were trying to establish monopoly behavior, which required them to look through emails, memos and instant messages from hundreds of Google engineers and executives.

David Streitfeld writes about technology and the people who make it and how it affects the world around them. He is based in San Francisco. More about David Streitfeld

FUTO Keyboard

Your keyboard shouldn't connect to the internet.
We are building a modern keyboard that respects your privacy and security.

Home - Planka

Elegant open source project tracking

PocketBase - Open Source backend in 1 file

PocketBase was created to assist building self-contained applications that can run on a single server without requiring to install anything in addition (see Presentator#183 ).
The basic idea is that the common functionality like crud, auth, files upload, auto TLS, etc. are handled out of the box, allowing you to focus on the UI and your actual app business requirements.

Please note that PocketBase is neither a startup, nor a business. There is no paid team or company behind it. It is a personal open source project with intentially limited scope and developed entirely on volunteer basis. There are no promises for maintenance and support beyond what is already available (you can explore the Roadmap to get a general idea where the project is headed but there are no fixed ETAs).