902 private links
Logiciel libre de signature de PDF en ligne
Linux Mint ISO, torrent links.
From Wikipedia:
Disk partitioning or disk slicing is the creation of one or more regions on secondary storage, so that each region can be managed separately.
An entire disk may be allocated to a single partition, or multiple ones for cases such as dual-booting, maintaining a swap partition, or to logically separate data such as audio and video files. The partitioning scheme is stored in a partition table such as Master Boot Record (MBR) or GUID Partition Table (GPT).
DNSdumpster.com is a FREE domain research tool that can discover hosts related to a domain. Finding visible hosts from the attackers perspective is an important part of the security assessment process.
Les flatpak sont, sous Linux, un système de paquets universels. Le but est de faciliter le déploiement sécurisé d'applications sur différentes distributions.
Les applications sont exécutées dans un environnement « bac à sable » (sandbox) pour que ces applications soient isolées du système mais que les documents soient accessibles.
A free open-source network computer cloning and management solution
DRANE - Site de Lyon - Délégation Régionale au Numérique pour l'Éducation Site de Lyon
On se focalise souvent sur les feuilles de style pour le rendu à l'écran, mais une page web peut également se décliner sous la forme d'un document imprimé. Coup de chance : les feuilles de style CSS servent aussi à définir les styles pour l'impression des pages web. Elle est pas belle, la vie ?
One of the wonderful things about CSS is that it allows authors to create media-specific styles for a single document. We’re pretty used to styling for the screen, but thinking about other media isn’t a habit yet. And as all the “printer-friendly” links attest, our thinking about the print medium has been limited to recreating a document in a different way.
OKLCH is a new way to encode colors (like hex, RGBA, or HSL)
KDE Invent (Gitlab)
Linux, le système d'exploitation open source qui alimente des millions d'appareils dans le monde, témoigne des efforts collaboratifs d'innombrables innovateurs. Bien que le noyau Linux soit le produit du génie de Linus Torvalds, il est important de reconnaître que l’écosystème Linux prospère grâce aux contributions de nombreux individus et organisations. Dans cet article de blog, nous dévoilerons les histoires de vie de certains des remarquables innovateurs Linux qui ont joué un rôle central dans l’élaboration du paysage Linux.
Les définitions de ressources personnalisées (CRD) sont des extensions d'API Kubernetes qui peuvent définir de nouveaux types d'objets. Les pods, ReplicaSets, ConfigMaps et Ingresses sont des exemples de ressources intégrées courantes. Les CRD vous permettent d'ajouter des types entièrement nouveaux à cette liste, puis de les gérer à l'aide d'outils Kubernetes familiers tels que Kubectl.
Made by Lea Verou with care
Go from database to application in 90 seconds.
From Headless CMS to PIM (and more), Directus is the backend to build anything or everything.
Learn the fundamentals of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) from the basics up to advanced concepts like animation and interactivity.
Paged.js is a free and open source JavaScript library that paginates content in the browser to create PDF output from any HTML content. This means you can design works for print (eg. books) using HTML and CSS!
Paged.js follows the Paged Media standards published by the W3C (ie the Paged Media Module, and the Generated Content for Paged Media Module). In effect Paged.js acts as a polyfill for the CSS modules to print content using features that are not yet natively supported by browsers.
- Discussions and help: Mattermost, Discourse
- Development: Gitlab
TimelineJS is an open-source tool that enables anyone to build visually rich, interactive timelines. Beginners can create a timeline using nothing more than a Google spreadsheet, like the one we used for the Timeline above. Experts can use their JSON skills to create custom installations, while keeping TimelineJS's core functionality.
H5P makes it easy to create interactive content by providing a range of content types for various needs. Preview and explore these content types below.
You can create interactive content by adding the H5P plugin to your WordPress, Moodle or Drupal site, or integrate it via LTI with Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard and many other VLEs that supports LTI integration.
Check out the author guide to get started.
DNS Redirect, Domain redirects with CNAME, how to redirect