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Find, install and publish Cloud Native packages
Make your web services secure by default with BunkerWeb, the open source and next generation WAF.
Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API.
GRR est un système de gestion de réservation de ressources telles que des salles, des équipements, des véhicules et du personnel.
Développé en PHP et en responsive design, il est accessible depuis n'importe quel équipement (PC, Mac, tablette, téléphone, TV, etc.).GRR est entièrement configurable (gestion des horaires, des accès, des e-mails, etc.) et reste simple d'utilisation
Self-hosted news, content, updates, launches, events, and more
selfh.st is an independent publication created and curated by Ethan Sholly. Focused on self-hosted news, updates, and content, the site is committed to giving back to the community in a number of ways:
💌 This Week in Self-Hosted, a weekly e-mail newsletter recap of the latest in self-hosted content and news
📱 selfh.st/apps, a directory of self-hosted applications and software for easy browsing and discovery
🎧 The Self-Host Cast, a podcast featuring interviews with self-hosted developers and content creators
🗨️ Occasional blog posts, surveys, and other self-host-adjacent projects
Linux Troubleshooting Interview DevOps SRE
CSP or Content Security Policy Header Reference Guide and Examples
KitchenOwl is a self-hosted grocery list and recipe manager. The backend is made with Flask and the frontend with Flutter. Easily add items to your shopping list before you go shopping. You can also create recipes and add items based on what you want to cook.
Le logiciel libre pour créer des visuels aux couleurs de votre organisation.
JavaScript is a powerful language for building dynamic web applications, but with great power comes great responsibility. Ensuring the security and privacy of your web applications is crucial. This guide covers essential best practices to protect your applications and users.
ArgoCD est un programme permettant de comparer une source de vérité sur Git avec un cluster Kubernetes. Il dispose de nombreuses fonctionnalitées comme :
- La détection automatique de Drift (si un utilisateur a manuellement modifié le code directement sur le cluster).
- Une interface WebUI pour l’administration du cluster.
- La possibilité de gérer plusieurs clusters.
- Une CLI pour administrer l’ArgoCD.
- Contient un exporteur Prometheus natif.
- Permet de faire des actions antes/post réconciliation.
A happy place to design and build for the web
Use the full power of CSS with an advanced visual builder, connect your frontend to any backend, and avoid hosting lock-in.
Wiki de Brian McGonagill, de la chaîne vidéo Awesome Open Source.
How do I capture a specific protocol or port, such as 80 (HTTP) or 443 (HTTPS), using the TCPDump tool under Linux/UNIX? How do I record traffic with TCPDump and find problems later on with my network or server issues? Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of capturing and analyzing your network traffic for trapshooting network and server issues.
Iptables is a firewall that plays an essential role in network security for most Linux systems. While many iptables tutorials will teach you how to create firewall rules to secure your server, this one will focus on a different aspect of firewall management: listing and deleting rules.
In this tutorial, we will cover how to do the following iptables tasks:
- List rules
- Clear Packet and Byte Counters
- Delete rules
- Flush chains (delete all rules in a chain)
- Flush all chains and tables, delete all chains, and accept all traffic
Echo is a node script to post new items from an RSS feed to various services including Micro.blog and Mastodon. Checkout the readme on GitHub for installation instructions. Use the forms below to generate your config.
Selfhosting your own cloud and web services is so satisfying, but it's also very time consuming, and dangerous. With Cosmos, take the chore out of selfhosting, with automated maintenance and fully secured setup out of the box. It even integrates to your existing setup.
Anywhere with Total Freedom and Ease.
Streamline your operations with our all-in-one platform—perfect for managing projects, data, and system health with simplicity and efficiency.
What is dokploy?
Dokploy is a stable, easy-to-use deployment solution designed to simplify the application management process. Think of Dokploy as a free alternative self-hostable solution to platforms like Heroku, Vercel, and Netlify.
Chaque minute, nombreuses sont les tentatives d'intrusion sur l'ensemble des ordinateurs connectées à Internet.
Parmi les attaques les plus virulentes, il y a bien sûr les tentatives d'accès SSH, l'exploitation de failles de sécurité sur des services Web (Wordpress, PhpMyAdmin ...) et l'exploitation des failles de sécurité sur des services contenant des failles de sécurité connues : services SMB (139), service RDP(3389), service Docker(2376), bases MongoDB ... Ces tentatives d'attaques sont pour la majorité automatisées depuis des serveurs eux-mêmes vulnérables.