913 private links
Voici comment je fais pour rajouter automatiquement une balise autour des emojis présents dans mes articles :
function niceEmoji(text) {
const emojiRegex = /(\p{ExtPict}(\u200d\p{ExtPict}|\p{EMod})*)/gu;
return text.replace(emojiRegex, '<span class="u-emoji">$1</span>');
A protip by nicolaslazartekaqui about vim.
To convert all text to lowercase and to uppercase in vim do:
Function in search/replace, do this to lowercase and to uppercase (example):
This wonderful website, made with ❤ by Corentin Thomasset , aggregates useful tools for developer and people working in IT. If you find it useful, please feel free to share it to people you think may find it useful too and don't forget to bookmark it in your shortcut bar!
IT Tools is open-source (under the MIT license) and free, and will always be, but it costs me money to host and renew the domain name. If you want to support my work, and encourage me to add more tools, please consider supporting by sponsoring me .
Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting…
Welcome to the fantastic world of nerdy regex fun! Start playing by selecting one of the puzzle challenges below. There are a wide range of difficulties from beginner to expert.
The images generated by Regexper are commonly referred to as "Railroad Diagrams". These diagram are a straight-forward way to illustrate what can sometimes become very complicated processing in a regular expression, with nested looping and optional elements.
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