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The SHA-256 algorithm is a widely used hash function producing a 256-bit hash value. It is used in many security applications and protocols, including TLS and SSL, SSH, PGP, and Bitcoin.
Calculating a SHA-256 hash in JavaScript is easy using native APIs, but there are some differences between the browser and Node.js. As the browser implementation is asynchronous, both of the examples provided will return a Promise
for consistency.
In the browser, you can use the SubtleCrypto API to create a hash for the given value. You first need to create a new TextEncoder
and use it to encode the given value. Then, pass its value to SubtleCrypto.digest()
to generate a digest of the given data, resulting in a Promise
As the promise resolves to an ArrayBuffer
, you will need to read the data using DataView.prototype.getUint32()
. Then, you need to convert the data to its hexadecimal representation using Number.prototype.toString()
. Add the data to an array using Array.prototype.push()
. Finally, use Array.prototype.join()
to combine values in the array of hexes
into a string.
const hashValue = val =>
.digest('SHA-256', new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(val))
.then(h => {
let hexes = [],
view = new DataView(h);
for (let i = 0; i < view.byteLength; i += 4)
hexes.push(('00000000' + view.getUint32(i).toString(16)).slice(-8));
return hexes.join('');
JSON.stringify({ a: 'a', b: [1, 2, 3, 4], foo: { c: 'bar' } })
// '04aa106279f5977f59f9067fa9712afc4aedc6f5862a8defc34552d8c7206393'
In Node.js, you can use the crypto
module to create a hash for the given value. You first need to create a Hash
object with the appropriate algorithm using crypto.createHash()
. Then, use hash.update()
to add the data from val
to the Hash
and hash.digest()
to calculate the digest of the data.
For consistency with the browser implementation and to prevent blocking on a long operation, we'll return a Promise
by wrapping it in setTimeout()
import { createHash } from 'crypto';
const hashValue = val =>
new Promise(resolve =>
() => resolve(createHash('sha256').update(val).digest('hex')),
hashValue(JSON.stringify({ a: 'a', b: [1, 2, 3, 4], foo: { c: 'bar' } })).then(
// '04aa106279f5977f59f9067fa9712afc4aedc6f5862a8defc34552d8c7206393'
- The two implementations are not compatible with each other. You cannot use the browser implementation in Node.js and vice versa.
- Both implementations should produce the same result for the same input.
Origin: https://medium.com//the-native-way-to-configure-path-aliases-in-frontend-projects-5db70f19a6e0
Projects often evolve into complex, nested directory structures. As a result, import paths may become longer and more confusing, which can negatively affect the code’s appearance and make it more difficult to understand where imported code originates from.
Using path aliases can solve the problem by allowing the definition of imports that are relative to pre-defined directories. This approach not only resolves issues with understanding import paths, but it also simplifies the process of code movement during refactoring.
L’ajout de logs dans une application est essentiel. Ceux-ci permettent entre autres d’identifier les erreurs survenues dans celle-ci, de créer des pistes d’audit, de fournir des informations sur l’application ou encore sur le comportement des utilisateurs, bref la liste peut être encore longue. Et vous savez quoi ? Ben, aujourd’hui on ne va pas du tout parler de la bonne utilisation des logs, mais plutôt partir à la découverte d’une librairie qui va nous faciliter la création de ceux-ci 😜.
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Fastify est un framework web léger pour Node.js, inspiré de Hapi, Restify et Express. Comme son nom l’indique, Fastify est rapide, c’est même le framework web le plus rapide de l’écosystème Node.js. Mais outre sa vitesse, sa popularité vient de l’excellente expérience développeur qu’il offre et de son système de plugins simple, mais efficace.
Bien qu'Express soit le framework NodeJS archi dominant, Fastify propose une alternative moderne tout en restant un framework dit "de bas niveau", permettant aux développeurs de composer leurs applications avec les librairies de leurs choix.
PM2 is a daemon process manager that will help you manage and keep your application online 24/7.
Utility for converting curl commands to code.
How make a shell script with a typescript file.