891 private links
Physically sharing computers with other people can be a challenge. While they only need temporary access to access the web, work on some files or even play a game, this may impose a security risk. For example, your personal files may be accessible because your account is already logged in. While on one hand you want to share your device, on another hand you may also want to some privacy.
If this is a concern for you, keep reading. We will see how to use guest accounts on Linux Mint and how to customize them for your needs.
Mail and news settings - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
Preference Name Status Type Value
mailnews.default_news_sort_order: default integer x
mailnews.default_news_sort_type: default integer y
mailnews.default_sort_order: default integer x
mailnews.default_sort_type: default integer y
1 = Ascending
2 = Descending
17 = None
18 = Date
19 = Subject
20 = Author
21 = ID (Order Received)
22 = Thread
23 = Priority
24 = Status
25 = Size
26 = Flagged
27 = Unread
28 = Recipient
29 = Location
30 = Label
31 = Junk Status
32 = Attachments
33 = Account
34 = Custom
35 = Received
Les définitions de ressources personnalisées (CRD) sont des extensions d'API Kubernetes qui peuvent définir de nouveaux types d'objets. Les pods, ReplicaSets, ConfigMaps et Ingresses sont des exemples de ressources intégrées courantes. Les CRD vous permettent d'ajouter des types entièrement nouveaux à cette liste, puis de les gérer à l'aide d'outils Kubernetes familiers tels que Kubectl.
Faut-il avoir son propre résolveur [DNS](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain%20Name%20System "Consultez l'article "Domain Name System" de l'encyclopédie libre Wikipedia"), sur sa machine (ou, au moins, sur son réseau local à soi) ? Question compliquée à laquelle je réponds désormais oui, en raison de l'intensification de la censure utilisant le DNS.
Ici nous allons voir comment avoir plusieurs profils Git (email, clé GPG, etc) en fonction du ou des répertoires le tout automatiquement.
Modifier le fichier .gitconfig
path = ~/.config/git/git-personal.conf
[includeIf "gitdir:~/dev/work/"]
path = ~/.config/git/git-work.conf
Les bonnes aventures technologiques commencent par une certaine frustration, un besoin ou une exigence. C’est l’histoire de la façon dont j’ai simplifié la gestion et l’accès de mes applications Web locales avec l’aide de Traefik et dnsmasq. Le raisonnement s’applique tout aussi bien pour un serveur de production utilisant Docker.
Mon environnement de développement est composé d’un nombre croissant d’applications web hébergées sur ma machine. Ces applications incluent plusieurs sites Web, outils, éditeurs, registres, … Elles utilisent des bases de données, des API REST ou des backends plus complexes.
La manière la plus simple de configurer un serveur NGINX performant, sécurisé et stable.
Lists useragents, explains useragent string…
I finally got the nginx works for WordPress with subdirectory
Setup a localhost website to wordpress
[…] -
nginx reverse proxy
server { listen 443 ssl; ... # the trailing '/' is vital location ^~ /blog/ { proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; proxy_pass http://localhost:7789/; } }
defines to wp-config.php
/** set the site URL */ define('WP_HOME', '/blog'); define('WP_SITEURL', '/blog'); $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = str_replace("/wp-admin/", "/blog/wp-admin/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
to support ssl reverse proxy
[…] -
make sure to disable the chrome disk cache to debug (F12 -> Disable cache)
Par défaut, Firefox bloque certains ports…
Se rendre dans les réglages de Firefox : about:config
Créer la chaîne de caractère : network.security.ports.banned.override
: 1-65535
If you are a Linux user you have definitely heard about Linux Swap, but you may not know what it is exactly or have only superficial knowledge about it. Time to change that!
The best way to store your dotfiles: A bare Git repository
Technical tutorials, Q&A, events—This is an inclusive place where developers can find or lend support and discover new ways to contribute to the community.
How to Install and Secure Redis | DigitalOcean
In this article we’ll show you the security and isolation benefits of running sites on LEMP with different Linux users. This will be done by creating different php-fpm pools for each nginx server block (site or virtual host).
This tool will help you to create a Firefox profile with the defaults you like.
You select which features you want to enable and disable and in the end you get a download link for a zip-file with your profile template. You can for example disable some functions, which send data to Mozilla and Google, or disable several annoying Firefox functions like Mozilla Hello or the Pocket integration.
Each Setting has a short explanation and for the non obvious settings links to resources describing the feature and the possible problems with it.
Configuring your .vimrc file lets you use the full power of Vim. With a customized .vimrc file you can increase your Vim powers tenfold.
Dotfiles are important files that will play an integral role in your career as a software developer.
Windows 10 although free have come forward with some creepy features like spying on users by digging out your privacy. Some other features like sharing your bandwidth, your wi-fi eat your bandwidth data and your peace of mind. Now, clearly Microsoft is following Big internet giants like facebook, google etc. by behaving in this way. But, You always have an option to disable these things. The only unethical thing from MS is that these things are turn on by default in windows 10. Let us see what are the things and how to disable them in your PC.
Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely.