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Reconditionnement PC
The Nand Game is inspired by the amazing course From NAND to Tetris - Building a Modern Computer From First Principles which is highly recommended.
This game only covers a small part of the material in the above course, and is mostly intended as a fun exercise.
If you are interested in the fundamentals of computing, the book Code by Charles Petzold is also highly recommended.
For any feedback, complaints or questions contact olav@olav.dk.
Hope you have fun with the game!
- Olav Junker Kjær
Le concept même de logiciel n’est pas évident. Comme le rappelait Marion Créhange, la première titulaire d’un doctorat en informatique en France, la manière d’influencer le comportement des premiers ordinateurs était de changer le branchement des câbles. Un programme était littéralement un plan de…