933 private links
240 règles pour améliorer vos sites et mieux prendre en compte vos utilisateurs
#qualitéweb #accessibilité #sécurité #performance #privacy #écoconception
Nous n’avons pas envie d’être contrôlables par quelque « Big Brother » que ce soit. Qu’il existe déjà ou que l’on anticipe son émergence, le mieux est sans doute de faire en sorte qu’il ne puisse pas utiliser contre nous, tous ces merveilleux outils que nous offrent – ou que lui offrent – les technologies modernes. […]
Malgré la propagation d’un sentiment d’impuissance, ces différentes révélations sur l’état de la surveillance numérique rendent d’autant plus nécessaire de se donner les moyens de la comprendre et d’adapter ses pratiques en conséquence.
There are more than 300+ Kubernetes Certified Service Providers and tons of Kubernetes Certified distributions. Choosing a right distribution can be a daunting task. Kubetools is built with a purpose to build a curated list of popular Kubernetes tools. It is actively maintained by Collabnix Slack Community.
Site Web proposant des outils de conversions, d'informations sur les caractères Unicodes, Emoji, etc.
Nous sommes L’Établi numérique, structure d’éducation populaire proposant formation et ateliers autour du numérique et de ses enjeux. Nous sommes des formateur·ices expérimenté·es et engagé·es en faveur des libertés numériques depuis de nombreuses années.
A polyglot web converter.
Convert code to another language.
#Shaarliđź’« #dev #javascript #online #opensource #svg #tool #web #dev #tool
lichess.org is a free/libre, open-source chess server powered by volunteers and donations.
A simple, intuitive web app for analysing and decoding data without having to deal with complex tools or programming languages. CyberChef encourages both technical and non-technical people to explore data formats, encryption and compression.
Welcome to the Johnnybegood Society Services dashboard!
Online service of the BRouter routing engine. For the offline Android app and more information see brouter.de
Preferred language is English, as we have both international contributors and users.
- General discussions/questions, support
- Chat with users and developers
- Bug reports and feature requests:
This is based on OpenStreetMap. It is usually updated daily, see dates of data files.
- Directions
- Long distance routes
- Used by professionals
- Geocoding
- POIs
- Isochrones
- Extraordinarily large areas
- Multiple locations and intersections
- Time-Distance Matrix
- Up to 2.500 distance pairs
- Fast response times
- Elevation
- Optimization
Permet de tester pandoc.
Designing with LibreOffice is not the usual death march through the menu and standard tasks. Instead, the book takes two fresh approaches to the world’s most popular free office suite.
Floor796 is an ever-expanding animation scene showing the life of the 796th floor of the huge space station! The goal of the project is to create as huge animation as possible, with many references to movies, games, anime and memes.
All scenes are drawn in a special online editor right in the browser by one person, as a hobby. You can watch the process of drawing some blocks on youtube.
La manière la plus simple de configurer un serveur NGINX performant, sécurisé et stable.
What contact info would you like us to look for?
Someone may have uploaded their address book to Facebook, Messenger or Instagram with your contact information in it. You can ask us to confirm whether we have your phone number or email address.
If we do, you can request that we delete it from our address book database. To prevent it from being uploaded to this database again through someone’s address book, we need to keep a copy in our block list.
If you'd like us to delete and block more than one type of contact information, we need to confirm each separately.
CyberChef - The Cyber Swiss Army Knife
There are around 300 operations in CyberChef allowing you to carry out simple and complex tasks easily. Here are some examples:
- Decode a Base64-encoded string
- Convert a date and time to a different time zone
- Parse a Teredo IPv6 address
- Convert data from a hexdump, then decompress
- Decrypt and disassemble shellcode
- Display multiple timestamps as full dates
- Carry out different operations on data of different types
- Use parts of the input as arguments to operations
Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
Repo: excalidrawexcalidraw Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams.