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The useful tool sed is a CLI (Command Line Interface) allowing you to edit some content line by line. But first, to be sure you have GNU sed installed on your computer, you can run in your terminal sed --version. If you don’t have GNU sed (but BSD for example), I would recommend you to install its GNU counterpart. You’ll have access to many more options making your life in the shell easier.
How do I format the date to display on the screen on for my shell scripts as per my requirements on Linux or Unix like operating systems?
When you have a Debian computer that doesn't have a GUI, but you still need WiFi, what do you do? It's simple to connect to WiFi from the command line. Here's how.
It is quite easy to change the text font type and its size if you have graphical desktop environment. How would you do that in an Ubuntu headless server that doesn't have a graphical environment? No worries! This brief guide describes how to change Linux console font and size. This can be useful for those who don't like the default font type/size or who prefer different fonts in general.
It turns out Awk is pretty simple. It has only a couple of conventions and only a small amount of syntax. It’s straightforward to learn, and once y...
This wiki is intended to hold documentation of any kind about GNU Bash. The main motivation was to provide human-readable documentation and information so users aren't forced to read every bit of the Bash manpage - which can be difficult to understand. However, the docs here are not meant as a newbie tutorial.
In this article, we’ll talk about how to find and replace strings with sed. We’ll also show you how to perform a recursive search and replace.
Aide : wttr.in/:help
Github repo : chubin/wttr.in
- Once installed, launch tmate with
. You should see something likessh PMhmes4XeKQyBR2JtvnQt6BJw@nyc1.tmate.io
appearing. This allows others to join your terminal session. All users see the same terminal content at all time. This is useful for pair programming where two people share the same screen, but have different keyboards.- tmate is useful as it goes through NATs and tolerate host IP changes. Accessing a terminal session is transparent to clients as they go through the tmate.io servers, acting as a proxy. No authentication setup is required, like setting up ssh keys.
- Run
tmate show-messages
in your shell to see tmate's log messages, including the ssh connection string. - tmate also allow you to share a read-only view of your terminal. The read-only connection string can be retrieved with
tmate show-messages
. - tmate uses
as configuration file. It uses the same tmux syntax. In order to load the~/.tmux.conf
configuration file, addsource-file ~/.tmux.conf
in the tmate configuration file.
9 Lesser-Known Zsh Tips and Tricks
Dans ce tutoriel, je vais vous parler de la commande sudo sous Linux et de la configuration du fichier sudoers qui sert à déléguer des droits sur la machine.
Lorsqu’un ordinateur est mis sous tension, le premier logiciel à s’exécuter est le chargeur de démarrage. Il s’agit là d’un bout de code dont la seule mission est de charger le noyau d’un système d’exploitation pour lui céder le contrôle. Le noyau va charger les pilotes nécessaires, initialiser le matériel et ensuite charger le reste du système d’exploitation.
Comment créer son propre serveur DNS DNS-over-TLS, raccordé à un Pi-hole permettant ainsi de bloquer les nuisances d'Internet... le tout avec Docker !
Qu'est ce que RPM ? RPM (Redhat Package Manager) est un système de gestion de paquets de logiciels utilisé sur certaines distributions GNU/Linux.
RPM s'utilise en ligne de commande ou avec une interface graphique et permet d'installer, de désinstaller, de vérifier, d'interroger et de mettre à jour des paquets logiciels. Chaque paquet de logiciels se compose d'une archive de fichiers et d'informations relatives au paquet, tels que sa licence, sa version, sa description, ses dépendances, etc.
In most Linux distributions non-boot drives are not mounted when you boot into the system. They do mount when you open them, but it is helpful in many cases to …
LinuxCommand.org is a web site that helps users discover the power of the Linux command line.