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Running out of space? Here are several ways you can make free space in Ubuntu and Linux Mint.
This brief tutorial explains a few different ways to find the package that provides a specific file in Linux. This could be useful when you manually compile and install a package.
In this tutorial, we will give you a brief introduction to Virtual machines and why VMs are better than Containers and how to create Proxmox virtual machines from Proxmox VE Web UI.
Dans mon précédent article, je vous avais présenté Btrfs, un système de fichiers moderne et rempli de fonctionnalités qui peuvent s
Dans cet article, nous allons voir comment exécuter un script lors de l'insertion d'un disque ou une clé USB.
Cet article est rédigé suite à une demande qu'on m'a faite. L'idée était de créer une station de travail pour détecter les virus sur clé USB et de lancer un scan automatique de la clé dès son insertion.
Minimal Debian based Linux with powerful configurator and software installer.
Here's a simple and quick tutorial showing the necessary steps for installing VLC on Fedora Linux.
Bash contains features that appear in other popular shells, and some features that only appear in Bash. Some of the shells that Bash has borrowed concepts from are the Bourne Shell (sh), the Korn Shell (ksh), and the C-shell (csh and its successor, tcsh). The following menu breaks the features up into categories, noting which features were inspired by other shells and which are specific to Bash.
If you are a Linux user you have definitely heard about Linux Swap, but you may not know what it is exactly or have only superficial knowledge about it. Time to change that!
Comment utiliser un clavier français étendu facilement sous Linux. Fiche à conserver à côté de votre clavier.
Hi everyone! In this handbook I'm going to give a brief introduction to operating systems and compare the three main OSs that are out there nowadays.
First we're going to review what an OS is and little history about them. Then, we'll review the main features and differences of the most popular operating systems (Windows, Mac, and GNU/Linux).
Gone are the days when Linux and Windows were like two opposing forces. Microsoft has embraced the open-source community quite cordially in recent years, and as a result we have things like Windows Subsystem for Linux baked right into our Windows installations.
It’s a good practice to create one SSH key for each server or service that you want to use. (Yes, even for your GitLab/GitHub account). This way if your key is compromised only one server gets compromised and not all of them. This can be a bit tricky to manage, but you can use an SSH config file, specifying the
parameter for each host and it will become easier.
Did you forget your WiFi password? This guide explains a few different ways to find WiFi password of connected networks in Linux.
Most popular high-end games are not accessible for Linux-based systems, which is why gaming is not always an enjoyable experience for these systems. In such a situation, Steam provides an unmatched way to play AAA PC titles on Linux.
Expanding files, parameters, or the history using Zsh is the fastest way to get quickly what you want, without writing boring scripts.
Tous les symboles Unicode avec noms et descriptions sur une seule page.
Rappel d'une EXCELLENTE astuce !
Un raccourci clavier « universel » – utilisable sous #Linux – pour pouvoir saisir absolument tous les caractères #Unicode, en particulier tous les symboles et caractères spéciaux qu'on a parfois du mal à trouver…
Plus précisément, il faut faire :
– Ctrl + Maj + u
– puis relâcher ces touches
– saisir ensuite (collé au « u », sans espace) le code Unicode du caractère voulu,
– finir par la touche espace.
Et hop ! Le caractère s’affiche.
Based on XenServer, XCP-ng is the result of massive cooperation between individuals and companies, to deliver a product without limits. No restrictions on features and every bit available on GitHub!
Que vous soyez professionnel ou particulier, Linux pourrait avoir de nombreux avantages. Dans un monde de plus en plus numérique et connecté, les machines sont partout. Elles sont utilisées pour nous déplacer, nous nourrir, nous habiller, ou encore nous divertir. Pourtant la plupart d’entre nous ne savent absolument pas comment elles fonctionnent, et encore moins de ce qui est fait des données collectées.
KDE Plasma is desktop environment developed by KDE mainly for Linux operating systems.