933 private links
Animista is a place where you can play with a collection of pre-made CSS animations, tweak them and get only those you will actually use.
Code generators for front-end development.
Build iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Enter an Identity (Domain Name, Organization Name, etc), a Certificate Fingerprint (SHA-1 or SHA-256) or a crt.sh ID
En plus, il permet de lister les sous-domaines d'un domaine !
Source : https://blog.jbriault.fr/cheatsheet/
In this article, I will explain what CORS and CORS errors are and why you might run into them. I will present possible solutions and explain what preflight requests, CORS headers are, and why they are important in the communication between parties. The article assumes you have some basic knowledge of web development and the HTTP protocol. I tried to write the article in a way that is easy to understand for beginners and fill it with knowledge and try to avoid too many technical nuances that are not tightly connected with the CORS topic. If you spotted any mistakes or have any suggestions, do not hesitate to contact me. In some places, I made a simplification where a service means server and vice versa.
En typographie, il existe tout un tas de règles sur la gestion des espaces entre les mots et les caractères. Malheureusement, le Web est extrêmement fruste de ce point de vue là, à ce qu’il paraît. Mais qu’en est-il réellement ? Précédemment, Je vous ai parlé des ligatures qui sont une des réponses (parmi bien d’autres) à la question des espaces entre les lettres. Cette fois-ci, nous allons nous pencher sur la question des espaces entre les mots. Est-ce qu’il se pourrait qu’on puisse utiliser l’espace fine insécable… en vrai ?
Should I Click is a free service to check if a website is safe to access. The great majority of attacks, including targeted attacks, start with a link in an email or chat. When you do not have enough time, or you do not know how to check the URL, should you click on it or not? Our Should I Click service could be helpful for you.
If you received a suspicious link or a website looks weird, Should I Click is the right and easy-to-use tool to analyse if it is safe to click. Should I Click uses a wide range of technologies, including machine learning, statistical analysis and security tools. The aim of this project is to help people at risk around the world (such as Journalists, NGOs, political activists) against targeted cyber attacks. However everyone can use this service.The shouldiclick.org project is a tool created in Civilsphere laboratory (https://www.civilsphereproject.org/) at the Czech Technical University in Prague to help to protect the civil society for free. This project is part of the diploma thesis of František Střasák that will be finished in May 2020.
Je présente à votre attention la traduction de l'article "Comment analyser l'URL en JavaScript: nom d'hôte, chemin, requête, hachage" de Dmitri Pavlutin.
Uniform Resource Locator ou URL pour faire court est un lien vers une ressource Web (page Web, image, fichier). L'URL définit l'emplacement de la ressource et la manière dont elle est reçue - le protocole (http, ftp, mailto).
In this article, we will look at some of the hottest CSS tools available to developers today, including frameworks, libraries, and utilities, to help you stay ahead of the curve and take your CSS skills to the next level.
Spin Kit
CSS Grid Generator
CSS Layout Generator
Shadows Brumm
Extrated with:
const linksElements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("#article-body > h2 + p + p > a")).map(el => `[${el.textContent}](http://${el.href})`).join('\n');
CSS Hamburger Menus are very important for responsive web design. Take inspiration from our Hamburger Menu codepens examples
Origin: https://medium.com//the-native-way-to-configure-path-aliases-in-frontend-projects-5db70f19a6e0
Projects often evolve into complex, nested directory structures. As a result, import paths may become longer and more confusing, which can negatively affect the code’s appearance and make it more difficult to understand where imported code originates from.
Using path aliases can solve the problem by allowing the definition of imports that are relative to pre-defined directories. This approach not only resolves issues with understanding import paths, but it also simplifies the process of code movement during refactoring.
Dans cette release : L'hypertexte avant les réseaux, un collisionneur à particules, l'ouverture des Jeux Olympiques et le premier navigateur web.
Cette release est l'adaptation d'une petite partie d'une conférence que votre serviteur a fait à Paris Web et au Capitole du Libre en 2022, afin de rappeler le moteur de base du web, qui semble malheureusement perverti par des technos mal comprises. Conférence qu'il a fallut ré-écrire et compléter pour espérer la rendre plus accessible.
Documentation :
- Captation vidéo de la conférence à Paris Web 2022
- Captation vidéo de la conférence au Capitole du Libre 2022
- Tableau des MIME-types et de leur RFC correspondant
- A brief history of the development of SGML (1990)
- ISO 8879:1986, traitement de l'information, systèmes bureautiques,lLangage normalisé de balisage généralisé SGML (1986, maintenu à jour)
- Utilisation du standard SGML pour la représentation des bandes-dessinées
- As we may think (Vannevar Bush, 1945)
- La pensée associative du « memex »
- HyperCard (sur l'Aventure Apple)
- HyperCard a 30 ans et 3 000 piles sont utilisables dans votre navigateur (2017)
- Computer Lib/Dream Machines (Ted Nelson, 1974)
- Le web sous licence : Pour tout le monde
- La décision la plus importante du web (2023)
- Robert Cailliau (biographie du CERN)
- Next Interface Builder
- 2019 rebuilding of the original NeXT web browser
- RFC 2616 : Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP/1.1 (version de 1999)
- The roots of SGML, a personal recollection (1996)
- An essay on HTML (1993)
- A deconstruction of some of the more interesting bits we found hiding in the WorldWideWeb source code
- Les DTD HTML4.01, XHTML1.0 et HTML5 : quel doctype choisir ? (2005)
- Recommended list of Doctype declarations (2002)
- DTD du HTML 4.01 strict
- <a>: The Anchor element
- A guide to keyboard accessibility: HTML and CSS
- La naissance du Web
- Le premier site web (1993)
- All known MIME-types
- Mark P. McCahill papers
- RFC 1436 : Gopher
- Lynx
- Before Netscape: The forgotten Web browsers of the early 1990s (2011)
- NCSA Mosaic
Le site : https://coveryourtracks.eff.org/
Ce tutoriel est dédié à la présentation de fonctionnalités avancées de la bibliothèque Leaflet, il est dédié aux personnes connaissant déjà la bibliothèque. Pour ceux qui ne la connaissent pas et qui voudraient suivre ce tuto je vous conseille d’abord de suivre le tutoriel d’Eskimon .
Dans ce tuto nous allons apprendre à créer des interfaces utilisateur, à modifier les fonds de plans, à créer des marqueurs personnalisés et à ajouter des tooltips (texte) afin de créer des cartes interactives personnalisées.
CSS lets you control how text selection behaves and appears on your pages. This can help you improve usability in certain situations and add a little bit of visual flair. Let’s dive in!
Hi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme out there. That's what I'm here for.
My ultra-minimal CSS might make me look like theme tartare but that means less stuff to get in your way when you're designing your awesome theme. Here are some of the other more interesting things you'll find here ...
Learn more about me in "A 1000-Hour Head Start: Introducing The _s Theme" on ThemeShaper.
React-admin offers the best developer experience, lets you focus on business needs, and build delightful user interfaces.
Build internal tools / ERPs / B2B apps, fast
A collection of 70 hand-picked, web-based tools which are actually useful.
Each will generate pure CSS without the need for JS or any external libraries.