933 private links
JavaScript UI library and framework for speeding up web development
JS Framework for cross-platform web Apps development
102 UI widgets and feature-rich CSS / HTML5 JavaScript controls
Evergreen is a React UI Framework for building ambitious products on the web. Made by Segment in San Francisco, CA.
Base Web is a foundation for initiating, evolving, and unifying web products.
Base Web offers a robust suite of components out of the box. These include complex, ready-to-use components such as Datepicker and low-level composable primitives, such as Layer.
For an overview of everything that we offer, check out the component gallery.
Positioning tooltips and popovers is difficult. Popper is here to help! Popper is the de facto standard to position tooltips and popovers in modern web applications.
Fully responsive. Scales with its container.
Separate settings per breakpoint
Uses CSS3 when available. Fully functional when not.
Swipe enabled. Or disabled, if you prefer.
Desktop mouse dragging
Infinite looping.
Fully accessible with arrow key navigation
Add, remove, filter & unfilter slides
Autoplay, dots, arrows, callbacks, etc...
D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation.
Build faster websites with less client-side JavaScript
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Online interactive HTML Cheat Sheet contains useful code examples and web developer tools, markup generators and more.
Fastify est un framework web léger pour Node.js, inspiré de Hapi, Restify et Express. Comme son nom l’indique, Fastify est rapide, c’est même le framework web le plus rapide de l’écosystème Node.js. Mais outre sa vitesse, sa popularité vient de l’excellente expérience développeur qu’il offre et de son système de plugins simple, mais efficace.
Bien qu'Express soit le framework NodeJS archi dominant, Fastify propose une alternative moderne tout en restant un framework dit "de bas niveau", permettant aux développeurs de composer leurs applications avec les librairies de leurs choix.
Tout JavaScript.com vous propose sur cette interface ergonomique et conviviale, plus de 400 fiches détaillant précisément les objets JavaScript , leurs propriétés et leurs méthodes . Les opérateurs , les fonctions natives et les mots de structures sont regroupés dans le répertoire Mots_clefs. Une référence du langage JavaScript à votre disposition !
Tarteaucitron.js, un script pour gérer les cookies sur votre site en respectant les directives du RGPD et de la CNIL.
This new tutorial will show you everything you need to know about React Hooks from scratch.
A React.js based library for creating sleek presentations using JSX syntax that gives you the ability to live demo your code.
Impress.js presentation editor
Performance is one of the most important aspects when it comes to web applications. Here's how we reduced the bundle size and load time of our Vue.js app.
Tauri is a framework for building tiny, blazing fast binaries for all major desktop platforms. Developers can integrate any front-end framework that compiles to HTML, JS and CSS for building their user interface.
Equiv React-Native