906 private links
Bash contains features that appear in other popular shells, and some features that only appear in Bash. Some of the shells that Bash has borrowed concepts from are the Bourne Shell (sh), the Korn Shell (ksh), and the C-shell (csh and its successor, tcsh). The following menu breaks the features up into categories, noting which features were inspired by other shells and which are specific to Bash.
This manual is meant as a brief introduction to features found in Bash. The Bash manual page should be used as the definitive reference on shell behavior.
How do I format the date to display on the screen on for my shell scripts as per my requirements on Linux or Unix like operating systems?
This wiki is intended to hold documentation of any kind about GNU Bash. The main motivation was to provide human-readable documentation and information so users aren't forced to read every bit of the Bash manpage - which can be difficult to understand. However, the docs here are not meant as a newbie tutorial.
9 Lesser-Known Zsh Tips and Tricks
Bonjour à tous, aujourd'hui je vous présente un "guide de survie pour l'utilisation de la commande sed sous Linux". Elle représente selon moi l'une des commandes les plus pratiques, mais aussi l'une des plus compliqués à maîtriser.
Les capacités de la commande sed sont clairement très utiles dans certains cas, comme dans la réalisation de scripts bash, ou simplement en l'utilisant dans votre terminal pour vous faciliter la vie. Elle peut faire des actions qui prendraient des heures à faire à la main ou via une interface graphique.
Pour être honnête, je suis plutôt team vim, mais l'astuce dont je vais parler aujourd'hui n'est pas réservée qu'à ce dernier. Vous pouvez aussi l'appliquer à emacs (tout le monde à le droit de faire des erreurs dans la vie) ou encore nano (bon là par contre, je ne peux…
LinuxCommand.org is a web site that helps users discover the power of the Linux command line.
Most coding games are aimed at children. But there are also some great coding games aimed at adults who want to learn to code.
This site contains 29761 parsed manpages from sections 1 and 8 found in Ubuntu's manpage repository. A lot of heuristics were used to extract the arguments of each program, and there are errors here and there, especially in manpages that have a non-standard layout.