901 private links
Je présente à votre attention la traduction de l'article "Comment analyser l'URL en JavaScript: nom d'hôte, chemin, requête, hachage" de Dmitri Pavlutin.
Uniform Resource Locator ou URL pour faire court est un lien vers une ressource Web (page Web, image, fichier). L'URL définit l'emplacement de la ressource et la manière dont elle est reçue - le protocole (http, ftp, mailto).
An object in JavaScript is something similar to a real-life object. For example, an object can be your computer. It has various properties like color, screen size, and many methods (functionalities) like internet browsing. Computers can vary though, for example, they can have a different operating system, like macOS or Linux. Just like other data types, objects can contain various values. The values are written in a key-value pair saved inside curly braces. These key-value pairs are called properties of objects. Functions which are also properties are called methods.
From Medium.
Origin: https://medium.com//the-native-way-to-configure-path-aliases-in-frontend-projects-5db70f19a6e0
Projects often evolve into complex, nested directory structures. As a result, import paths may become longer and more confusing, which can negatively affect the code’s appearance and make it more difficult to understand where imported code originates from.
Using path aliases can solve the problem by allowing the definition of imports that are relative to pre-defined directories. This approach not only resolves issues with understanding import paths, but it also simplifies the process of code movement during refactoring.
Ce tutoriel est dédié à la présentation de fonctionnalités avancées de la bibliothèque Leaflet, il est dédié aux personnes connaissant déjà la bibliothèque. Pour ceux qui ne la connaissent pas et qui voudraient suivre ce tuto je vous conseille d’abord de suivre le tutoriel d’Eskimon .
Dans ce tuto nous allons apprendre à créer des interfaces utilisateur, à modifier les fonds de plans, à créer des marqueurs personnalisés et à ajouter des tooltips (texte) afin de créer des cartes interactives personnalisées.
Convert curl commands to Python, JavaScript, PHP, R, Go, C#, Ruby, Rust, Elixir, Java, MATLAB, Dart, CFML, Ansible URI or JSON
A polyglot web converter.
Convert code to another language.
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Iconify makes it easy to avoid vendor lock-in. You can use many open source icon sets with a large choice of open source icon components. Thousands of high quality icons from 100+ icon sets, all validated, cleaned up, optimised and always up to date.
Material Design, Phosphor, Remix, Carbon, Bootstrap, Tabler, Feather, Fluent, IconPark, Octicons and many other icon sets. Twitter Emoji, Fluent Emoji, EmojiOne, Noto Emoji are also available as icon sets.
#Shaarli💫 #css #dev #icon #javascript #opensource #tool #web
SRI is a new W3C specification that allows web developers to ensure that resources hosted on third-party servers have not been tampered with. Use of SRI is recommended as a best-practice, whenever libraries are loaded from a third-party source.
Learn more about how to use subresource integrity on MDN.
Find any alphanumeric snippet, signature or keyword in the web pages HTML, JS and CSS code.
Detecting the state of the caps lock key can improve the usability of web applications.
I'll introduce you to the top 100+ repositories on github on most important topics on programming ranging from Frontend to Backend, DSA, to Design Patterns and System Design. These repositories are beneficial for any level from beginner to expert level programmers. I recommend to bookmark it for future as they'll be quite useful in years to come in your career.
Modules and Module Bundlers are essential components of modern web development. But understanding how they work can quickly become overwhelming.
This article will show you all you need to know about ES Modules and Module Bundlers in plain English.
Get ready for a development environment that can finally catch up with you.
❤️ Lightweight: Crafted with minimalistic UI design.
⚡️ Fast: Send requests and get/copy responses in real-time.
HTTP Methods
- Requests retrieve resource informationPOST
- The server creates a new entry in a databasePUT
- Updates an existing resourcePATCH
- Very similar toPUT
but makes a partial update on a resourceDELETE
- Deletes resource or related componentHEAD
- Retrieve response headers identical to those of a GET request, but without the response body.CONNECT
- Establishes a tunnel to the server identified by the target resourceOPTIONS
- Describe the communication options for the target resourceTRACE
- Performs a message loop-back test along the path to the target resource<custom>
- Some APIs use custom request methods such asLIST
. Type in your custom methods.🌈 Make it yours: Customizable combinations for background, foreground, and accent colors — customize now.
Ember.js is a productive, battle-tested JavaScript framework for building modern web applications. It includes everything you need to build rich UIs that work on any device.
Browse 1158 short code snippets for all your development needs on 30 seconds of code.
AutoAnimate is a zero-config, drop-in animation utility that adds smooth transitions to your web app. You can use it with React, Vue, or any other JavaScript application.
Safari sur iOS (et sur Mac) n’utilisent pas Blink, mais Webkit. Apple est parti de son côté avec Webkit et du coup fait un peu n’importe quoi. Ayant désormais un iPhone, je me retrouve à corriger mes sites et outils pour iOS.
Voici quelques trucs et astuces. Cet article sera emmené à être étendu avec le temps.
!! operator
Convertstring → number
Thereverse method
TheMath.min & max
Thefalsey values
Theternary operator
Removeduplicates from array
Themap method
Theincludes method
Thefilter method
Scroll to topbutton
Happy Coding 😊
As web developers, it is often quite hard and time-consuming to make accessible UIs. This gets even worse when we have to make special components like Modals or Popovers from scratch.
Thankfully, the React ecosystem is huge and there are many great people who have made amazing libraries to help us with this problem. Today, we are going to focus on React component libraries that are accessible, have a decent base style, have good docs, and come with components like Modals, Popovers, Tooltips, etc.